Material Flows
As a recycling specialist, our expertise lies in recognising the potential that waste materials have to offer and in knowing how this can be used in a way that adds value while also being sustainable. These material flows include:
MunicipalOrganic Waste
This includes residual materials of mainly vegetable origin from households and municipal operations, such as food scraps and lawn clippings. They are collected separately in the organic waste bin. Roughly ten times the amount of organic waste is being collected today compared to 1990. This resource is becoming more and more important for bioenergy production. This can be used directly in the municipalities, for example as district heating.
Residual Materialsfrom Agriculture
Our agricultural businesses produce organic residual materials of both animal and vegetable origin. The quantities produced depend on the size of the farm. Whether they’re from the field or from the barn, these residual materials can be recycled in a profitable and almost climate-neutral way in the same place where they are produced.
Green Waste
Every year, landscape maintenance produces huge quantities of vegetable residual materials as green waste in the form of tree and hedge trimmings, fallen autumn leaves and park and green area maintenance. Landscape gardeners and horticultural businesses or businesses working in both the municipal and agricultural sectors are now also increasingly recognising just how beneficial green waste can be with regard to energy.
Animal Manure
Whether it’s slurry or solid manure, with or without straw from the barn – animal manure is a particularly valuable resource for producing biogas and compost. The dry fermentation process is particularly interesting for:
- farms which keep and breed pigs and cattle
- horse farms
- chicken coops
- all other farms that produce large quantities of animal manure
Organic Residual Materialsfrom Industry & Commerce
In the food industry, processing industry, wholesale and retail trade or in large-scale catering establishments, for example, large quantities of organic animal and vegetable residual materials are constantly being produced. Here, too, there is great potential to increase the amount of waste materials collected and used for producing bioenergy. We will be happy to advise you!
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or you would like to learn more about our work. We’re looking forward to hearing from you!